New Patient Instructions



New Patient Instructions


Once you have called our office at (910)762-8400 and scheduled a New Patient appointment, we will direct you back to our website for more information that will instruct you on following:

What do you bring to your appointment?


Prior to being seen in consultation, please download the New Patient Forms, complete the information requested and return the paperwork to our office either by secure fax at 910-762-9558 or by mail. The information along with the signed Release(s) of Information for your previous records from all treating providers are needed in preparation for your consultation.

Please note, the purpose of completing our new patient forms is for our administrative intake process only and by doing so, you are not considered to be under our care until you are seen in consultation.  If you, for any reason, are not seen in consultation, your information will be destroyed immediately.

Previous Records:

Please download the Release of Information form(s) and request your current doctor(s) records be faxed to our secure fax # at (910)762-9558. It is important for us to receive your previous records as you may not remember or understand what your history included. It also speeds up the evaluation process as we can review your information prior to your appointment.


Please bring a list of all your current medications or bring all the bottles with you to your appointment.

Do you have to come early?

Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. We will have to witness your signature for Privacy Practices and also make a copy of your insurance card.

Copyright Paul Buongiorno, MD ©